Covid-19 tracking apps, or: how to deal with a pandemic most unsuccessfully
Are tracking apps really the solution or do they just add surveillance creep into democratic societies?
3. June 2020
Didier Bigo is professor of International Political Sociology at Sciences Po Paris-CERI, France. He is part time professor at King’s College London, department of War Studies. He is additionally director of the Centre for study of Conflicts, Liberty and Security (CCLS) and editor of the quarterly journal “Cultures & Conflits” published by L'Harmattan. He is one of the co-editors of the new PARISS (Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences) journal, Brill, 2019, as well as founder and previous co-editor with Rob Walker of the ISA (International Political Sociology) journal.
Are tracking apps really the solution or do they just add surveillance creep into democratic societies?
3. June 2020