Legal and Oversight Gaps in Germany’s Military Intelligence

As German intelligence law undergoes additional reforms, lawmakers should also fix the untenable gaps regarding the legal basis and oversight of surveillance activities by the German armed forces

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Why and how German judicial intelligence oversight needs empowerment

A new statutory framework for the Independent Control Council is needed to better protect fundamental rights and ensure independent and effective oversight.

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Five things you didn’t know about Germany’s foreign intelligence reform

An account of 5 critical changes that merit careful scrutiny from the international community.

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Germany’s BND Act & recent CJEU case law

Some provisions of the draft bill seem incompatible with CJEU rulings.

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Wanted: better safeguards for intelligence in an interconnected world

Everyone’s a foreigner somewhere.

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Try harder, Bundestag! Germany has to rewrite its foreign intelligence reform

What the German Constitutional Court’s decision on the BND Act means for the future of surveillance and end-to-end oversight in Germany.

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Update pending: intelligence oversight needs oversight intelligence

Seven ideas for how to close the gap between high-tech intelligence and low-tech oversight.

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Why we’re launching about:intel

Editors-in-Chief Thorsten Wetzling and Eric Kind explain why we started about:intel and what we are trying to achieve with it.

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