The Dutch Temporary Cyber Act
Discussion Prompt: The Dutch Temporary Cyber Act: Necessary measure or disproportionate expansion of power?
The Dutch intelligence and security agencies claim to lack the ability for an appropriate use of capabilities to perform the needed research to gain sufficient insight in intentions, capacity and next steps of foreign actors with an offensive cyber agenda against the Netherlands or Dutch interests. Main problems that are named are a lack of speed, argued to lie in the oversight system, and the “as targeted as possible” criterion in cable interception. A new proposal for a Temporary Act should address this problem as an urgent measure during a new reform of the main intelligence Act. Experts have different views on the legislative process as well as the content of the Act. Opinions differ whether the proposed measures are necessary, proportionate, adequate/efficient, and whether they would hold in the views of the European Courts.
As part of the consideration of the bill in the Dutch Parliament, several experts gave their views in a hearing. Interestingly, the different perspectives led to very diverse positions. About:intel asked them to write a contribution.
Update on the implications of the Dutch Temporary Cyber Operations Act
New Dutch law grants intelligence services expanded powers for intercepting internet traffic to counter foreign cyber threats, raising questions about its practical implications
Cyber defence operations require a dedicated legal framework
The proposed Cyber Act obfuscates the specific needs and methods of cyber defence operations.
Stalemates in Dutch intelligence oversight
How optimizing the digital capabilities of the Dutch intelligence and security services has derailed.
Obfuscation as a strategy to pass mass surveillance powers
The Dutch government wants to automatically and administratively gain permission to target victims of hackers.
The necessity of a new cyberlaw for dutch intelligence and security services
The proposed Cyber Act addresses the urgent need for stronger intelligence capabilities and revised oversight structures in the Netherlands.
NL government wants to abandon key safeguards for hacking of non-targets
The Dutch government wants to automatically and administratively gain permission to target victims of hackers.